Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Heartbeat IV

Olli Marttila. Wonderful artist and bookbinder Kaija from Paperiaarre introduced me some time ago during an email conversation to this Finnish artist. Kaija thought I might like his work – she was so right! His beautiful work really talks to me… This language is so familiar – I understand every word, though I don’t speak Finnish…
Images 1-3 Olli Marttila, Image 4 Kaija


annamaria potamiti said...

I am totally with you- what lovely work- I seem to love everything Finnish I come across- what is that?-

holly aka golly said...

Something from a dream! Love this work. Thank you for introducing it to me!

Iris Schwarz / Paulette Edition said...

It's good to know out there are some lovely people talking the same "language"... thank you Annamaria, thank you Holly!

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