Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Heartbeat V

I love dishes, actually everything kitchen. Last time in Paris I walked into a small store… and I didn’t want to leave anymore. Go visit Astier de Villatte, I’m sure you will stay there for a while…


annamaria potamiti said...

Ok. One more reason to go to Paris!First it was Molly's book, did you read it- A handmade life-by Molly Weizenberg? If you haven't I think you might like it, its all things kitchen and Paris!
Like those Kings- how did that come about?

Iris Schwarz / Paulette Edition said...

Oh Paris Paris, there is always a reason to go there… too many reasons! Thank you so much Annamaria! No I didn't know this book... it really sounds like something for me!
Yes the kings, they are a constant theme in my work, but just the good ones…

Little Lovables said...

these are some lovely finds!

Iris Schwarz / Paulette Edition said...

Thank you Little Lovables!

Unknown said...

About a fun coincidence:
I was looking for images for a work on internet today about iris (the flowers)and I poped in your drawings. I thought: how strange these drawings...
Then I had a look on blogs talking about Astier de Villatte and as a first thing I found your blog.
Strange coincidence isn't it?

Iris Schwarz / Paulette Edition said...

Hello Ivan
This is really an interesting story... so strange… thank you for sharing! Do you have a blog too? Couldn’t get there by clicking your name.
Best wishes - hope you found some nice pictures of Irises! Iris

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